Salesforce Associate Exam Practice Questions

Salesforce associate exam practice questions – Embark on your Salesforce Associate Exam preparation with our comprehensive guide to practice questions. This curated resource covers the key topics and provides detailed explanations to enhance your understanding and boost your confidence.

Our practice questions are meticulously designed to align with the exam format, ensuring you gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the Salesforce Associate Exam.

Salesforce Associate Exam Overview

The Salesforce Associate Exam is a certification exam that validates an individual’s knowledge and skills in the Salesforce platform. It is designed for individuals who are new to Salesforce or have limited experience with the platform and are looking to establish a foundation in its core concepts and functionality.

The exam format consists of 60 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 90 minutes.

Key Exam Topics

Salesforce associate exam practice questions

The Salesforce Associate Exam covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Salesforce Fundamentals: Introduction to Salesforce, cloud computing, and the Salesforce ecosystem.
  • Data Management: Creating and managing objects, fields, and records in Salesforce.
  • Sales and Service Cloud Basics: Understanding the key features and functionality of Salesforce Sales and Service Clouds.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: Creating and interpreting reports and dashboards to analyze data.
  • Automation and Workflow: Configuring automation rules and workflow processes to streamline business processes.

Practice Questions Structure: Salesforce Associate Exam Practice Questions

Question Answer Choices Correct Answer Explanation

Practice Questions Content

Salesforce associate exam practice questions

-*Question 1

Which of the following is a core object in Salesforce?

  • Account
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • All of the above

-*Correct Answer

d. All of the above


Account, Contact, and Lead are all standard objects in Salesforce used to store customer-related data.Question 2: What is the purpose of a workflow rule?

  • To automate actions based on specific criteria
  • To create and update records in Salesforce
  • To send email notifications
  • Both a and c

-*Correct Answer

d. Both a and c


Workflow rules allow you to automate actions such as creating records, updating fields, and sending email notifications based on specific criteria.

Exam Preparation Tips


To prepare effectively for the Salesforce Associate Exam, consider the following tips:

  • Understand the exam objectives and key topics.
  • Enroll in an official Salesforce training course or utilize online resources.
  • Practice with mock exams and practice questions.
  • Join study groups or forums to connect with other candidates.
  • Review the official Salesforce documentation.
  • Take breaks and avoid cramming at the last minute.

Clarifying Questions

What is the purpose of the Salesforce Associate Exam?

The Salesforce Associate Exam validates your fundamental knowledge and skills in Salesforce.

How many questions are on the Salesforce Associate Exam?

The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.

What is the passing score for the Salesforce Associate Exam?

You need to score at least 65% to pass the exam.